昨天找時間做了ㄧ大塊約ㄧ公斤重的家事皂,今天分切, INS值201,椰子油佔比65%,清潔能力超好,大算晾皂ㄧ個月就那給他用,開心。
It's like my husband being too pick, he recommend me wash clothes separately by colors -- white color, light color, and dark color.
Once he find out any dirt on his white cloths, he will wash by hands, and wash them hard.
This a loaf of soap i made the day before yesterday, then sliced this into pieces last night, they still need some more times to dry them in the air for as least a month.
These soaps contain 60% of coconut oil, INS number 201, I think this one will okay for him to wash anything that is white and easily.
分切好的家事皂們已經乖乖躺在晾皂架中, 一個月後見哦
手機照的照片老覺光源不夠, 只好多照幾張了