今天跑了一趟好市多, 站在冷藏櫃前撐了好久, 猶豫著到底要不要買已經綢理好的抹醬, 還要只要買 cream cheese 就好, 回家自己調……
最後, 還是空手離開, 買了250克 裝的 cream
cheese 回家…
材料: 蒜, 辣椒粉, 黑胡椒, 綜合香料, 荳蔻粉
蒜磨成泥, 黑胡椒磨粉
將所有材料拌勻後, 倒入 crease cheese 拌勻
I actually open this blog since early last year, but never try once to put my effort to run it, now I realized that may be here is the place where to start a new my own land.