Thursday, February 27, 2014

My fusion food

My fusion food, inspired by my mom’s region – South East Asia

Broccoli stir-fry with shrimp paste, splash a little shaoxing wine and drizzle some sesame sauce and done.

Serve with plain rice.  Hmm, you can smell the aroma of shaoxing wine; you can taste the sour and sweetness from sesame sauce.  Yum, yum, yum….

Here are the ingredients:
1 broccoli flower
A half teaspoon of shrimp past
A large spoonful of dried shrimp (Wash thoroughly to get rid of dirt)
2 cloves of garlic (minced)
Sugar to taste
Few drops of shaoing wine

1. Heat a small pot with water and bring it to boil, place the broccoli until cooked, it takes about 2-3 minutes, then drain the water, set aside.
2. Chop the dried shrimp together with minced garlic finely.
3. Heat the oil in a wok with low heat, place the shrimp paste, stir-fry until fragrance.
4. In goes with garlic and dried shrimp, brown the garlic until golden and brown.
5. Place the broccoli in the wok; turn the stove to medium-high heat, stir-fry the broccoli about 5 minutes or so.
6. Splash the shaoxing wine and well combine with broccoli.
7. Drizzle with a little sesame sauce when serve.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


20130624台北行, 跟琬淨約在台北車站碰面之後, 一路殺到中和緬甸街, 到了那裡正是豔陽高照的中午時分, 下了捷運, 一路步行至緬甸街, 這才驚覺步行真是讓人不行, 汗淋淋的一下子沒了食欲, 可還是要吃點墊肚子啊, 下午還有行程呢, 還真是胡亂吃了一通...., 接下來的下午整個人就泡在故宮了, 除了沁涼, 舒適的冷氣, 重要的是又還接受了文化的洗禮, 讓人一下子多了些氣質....., 時間真的不夠用, 不得已捨棄了晚餐, 真接就來到了琬淨魂牽夢縈的蜜糖吐司....., 擺盤真是漂亮, 滋味自然不在話下, 真是好吃極了, 貴得很, 一套兩個人合著吃, 每人的消費也快要400塊台幣, 這要是跟不嗜吃甜食的先生講, 一條腿保證沒有了, 呵呵, 開玩笑, 不過這個價格他應該真的還蠻不屑的!!!

侍者才端上來, 我就要開吃了, 琬淨快手快腳的把我給攔住, "要照相呢!"她說..., 唉, 看看我這個貪吃鬼, 看到好吃的只想一心吞下肚, 太沒有情調了, 比起琬淨對這套甜點的態度, 我也太.........

琬淨小姐小心的調整, 就是要把這些甜點以不同的角度來呈現, 我也跟著依樣劃葫蘆, 拿起我的傻瓜數位相機, 拍, 拍, 拍....

對我來說, 它價格不菲, 服務略嫌普通了些, 隨著這杯花茶附送的糖又太...., 有糖水, 糖磚及綿花糖, 唯一讓我覺得比較細心的是, 附了一個放置茶泡的小碗, 如此, 不致使花茶第一泡過濃, 第二泡又淡而無味!

抹茶歐蕾口怠濃郁, 綿蜜, 還不錯喝, 就是甜了點...(天啊, 這樣寫下來...., 我會不會有點太機車啊?)

 兩個人吃, 且在沒有主餐的狀況下........., 當然是杯盤狼藉囉, 這....., 真的是餓啊......, 呵, 呵!!!

 剩下的最後兩小片全部給妳收拾囉, 琬淨!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My Energy Pill

My Energy Pill

A spoonful of milk powder, 1 and a half teaspoon of coffee, 

bag of cocoa powder for the cold winter time....

Am i too much?? Okay, i admit, maybe this is a little bit of 

toooooooo much, but well, i guess this is only once in a 


蕃茄泥 tomato puree

        冬季是爸媽菜園子裡收成蕃茄的季節, 今年他們倆可是時髦的種了果肉特多, 用來入菜特佳的牛蕃茄.
        上個禮拜跟姐姐回家時, 他們已經收了滿滿的一籃子, 家裡的人都愛吃蕃茄, 可到了這個豐收季節, 新鮮蕃茄對我家來說, 似乎多到無法完全消耗.
        媽吩咐大姐及我每人帶上了一, 二十顆的蕃茄回來..., 比起我家的愛吃蕃茄, 先生更喜愛用蕃茄調理出來的各式食品, 這個蕃茄泥等他三月份回來的時候剛好可以吃.
