Saturday, November 21, 2015



*熱量: *383大卡。












注意: 雙臂旋轉時,一定不可以彎曲,雙臂要儘量向外伸。

提升腳到背部的肌力、平衡力、柔軟度。加上下半身的訓練,注意力也會提高。 ➊ 用左手握住左腳踝,以單腳站立,一面吸氣,一面將右手筆直伸到頭上。


胸部拉提伸展 1



一面吐氣,一面把頭抬起,下巴輕輕揚起、雙手持續向下伸展,以擴張胸部。維持3秒後回到步驟➊ ,進行二十次。

  1. 雙腳站立與肩同寬,手臂自然垂放身體兩側。身體向下深蹲,臀部與膝同高,重心放在臀部,雙手手臂向前伸直,手掌向內。
  2. 回到站姿,重心放在左腳並抬起右腳,右腳膝蓋與臀部同高,雙手向左右兩側伸直,手掌向外,上半身慢慢向右邊轉。換邊重覆3次。(秘訣:深蹲時吸氣,身體旋轉時吐氣,吐氣時腹部同時收緊)。

  1. 重心放在右腳,右腳向下微蹲,右手臂彎曲向前伸,左手臂彎曲向後,(想像跑步時手臂擺動的樣子)。
  2. 右腳向外擺、跳起來換左腳著地,雙手手臂張開向兩側伸展,(想像側身跳過一攤水),左腳落地微蹲、左手手臂向前伸,停一拍,換邊再做一次。


「秀珍菇美腸飯捲」能快速消除便祕,作法簡單,每個人都能上手。若無特殊需求,單純想改善腸道健康者,可將飯捲當作三餐的開胃菜食用,每餐約可吃 5 個;若是有減肥需求者,則可在早、晚餐以飯捲代替,約吃 5 個,中餐則正常飲食。「秀珍菇美腸飯捲」可改善腸道功能,還能纖細手臂,一舉兩得。

秀珍菇1 小袋(約 100 克)、豆腐或白菜00 克、無調味海苔2∼3 大片、








Saturday, November 14, 2015

Best and Brightest Return

Tech boom – boom指熱潮

lure – 誘惑
To persuade or trick somebody to go somewhere or to do something by promising them a reward.
1. The children was lured into a car but managed to escape.
2. Young people are lured to the city by the prospect of a job and money.
3. The price also lures students.

Ivy League –
A group of old, eight Universities in the northeastern U.S which people think are very good.

Debut – 初次登台, 首次亮相
when someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time.

Barrier – 阻礙
An object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward from one place to another.
1. The crowd had to stand behind barriers.
2. They soon overcome the language barrier.

Greener pasture – [idiom]
A new place or activity that offer new opportunities.

Greenfield –

Referring to an area that has not yet been developed.

Outbid – (在開價或報價上戰勝)
To offer to pay a higher price for something than someone else, especially at an auction (= public sale)

avid –
Very enthusiastic about something; extremely eager or interested something.

Magenta –
Color, a reddish-purple color, one of the main colors that are used in color printing and photography.

Scarcely –

Not very much at all, almost not.

martial law – 戒嚴令
A situation where the army of a country controls an ares instead of the police during a time of trouble.

Choice parcel land –
Usually means very expensive, because its ideal location; often time, an ideal location where easy to get to or it might have incredible view.
Parcel –

A piece of land.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Make time for what matters 11/09 - 11

In this article, the panelists were talking about time management

make time 騰出時間 --
To make certain you have some time when you are not busy in order to do something you think you should to.
1. It's important to make time to read to your children.
2. In a relationship you have to make time for each other.
3. We are glad that you make time for us today.

derail --
derail comes from train, when train is derailed, it means goes off the rail. Basically everybody has a giant train rack, that can happen with our workdays. So, what can derail in your days? Sometime meeting can derail your workdays or you get off track.
How can technology derail your workday?
To leave the track
To prevent a plan or process from succeeding.
1. The train derailed and plunged into the river.
2. It is claims of financial irregularities which could ultimately derail his campaign.

on autopilot [idiom] (automatic pilot) --
Doing something without thinking it or without making an effort.
To do something without thinking because you have done the same thing many times before.

bounce --
If something bounces or you bounce it, it moves quickly away from a surface.

scratch your head [idiom] --
To think hard about something.
It's like you confused, you trying to think about what happened and trying to figure things out.

productivity (生產率, 力) --
The rate which at worker, a company or a country produces goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and money is needed to produce them.
1. Studies show that if a working environment is pleasant, productivity increase.
2. Productivity incentive.

respondent --
A person who answer question, especially in a survey.
1. In a recent opinion poll, a majority of respondents(受訪, 調查對象) were against nuclear weapon.
2. 60% of the respondents agreed with the suggestion.

premise 假設, 假定, 前提

paradox 似非而可能正確的議論 --
A person, thing or situation that has two opposite feature and therefore seems strange.
A statement containing two opposite ideas that make it seem impossible or unlikely, although it is probably true.

cognizant --
Saying that people more aware, or understand more situation.

take a toll 造成損失 --
When something takes a toll on something else, it causes suffering, death or damage.
Ex: If you don't get enough sleep, that takes toll on your health.

How to you nurture a relationship?
You need to spend times with somebody you care.

quadrant --
First quadrants are things that are urgent, and important, the second quadrant is the things are not urgent, but important; u

Friday, November 6, 2015

11/06 -- 07

Rest assured (用於安慰某人) 請放心, 別擔心 --
Used to tell someone not to worry and that you are in control of the situation.
Ex 1. You may rest assured that we will do all we can to find him.
      2. You can rest assured that your son will be happy here.

Keep count 記錄 (數量或發生的次數), 知道...確切的數目 --
To record how many of something there are, or how many times something has happened.
Ex 1. I've bought so many books this year that i can hardly keep count of them.
      2. I'm trying to lose weight, so i am keeping count of the number of calories i eat every day.

Shopaholic --
A person who enjoy shopping very much and does it a lot.

Satchel --
A bag with a long strap, that you hang over your shoulder or wear on your back, used especially carrying school books.
Ex: He went off to school with a satchel over his shoulder.

Peranakan (馬來語, 土生華人) --
Peranakan is basically a native born person in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, where their ancestor are combination of locals and foreigner.

Terminal --
A building or set of buildings at the airport where air passengers arrive or leave.

Dry stuff --
Things that maybe a little bit boring or unimportant, or people will consider not too exciting.

Goodies --
The wonderful good things about something.  Or positive things that people do enjoy.

-aholic --
Anything with -aholic at the end, means that they addicted to it.  For example, chocoholic,

Monday, November 2, 2015

Love, technology and the modern couple


Norm --
A situation or type of behaviour that is expected and considered to be typical.
Ex: One child per family is fast becoming the norm in some countries.

Savvy --
Meaning someone who has practical knowledge and ability to do something.  People can be savvy about a lot things, like shopping savvy.
Tech-savvy --
Knowing a lot about modern technology, especially computers.
Knowledgeable or proficient. Often used in combination: tech-savvy, media-savvy.
Well informed or proficient in the use of modern technology
Ex 1. Kids are pretty tech-savvy these days.
     2. The state needs more tech-savvy workers for it high-tech industries.
** Well-informed -- 見識多廣, 消息靈通
Having knowledge about a great variety of subjects.
Having a lot of knowledge or information about a particular subject or things in general.
Ex 1. He is very well-informed; that's why he won general knowledge (常識) competition.
     2. He seems to be a well-informed person.
     3. He was well-informed and shrewd (精明, 機靈) with good, calm judgment.

Regardless of -- [synonyms]: irrespective of, in spite of, with no heed to
Without being influenced (影响, 左右) by any other events or conditions.
Ex 1. The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.
     2. Regardless of danger, he climbed the tower.
     3. He will persevere regardless of past failures.
     4. Freedom for all, regardless of race, creed.
     5. The commission should promote equal opportunities for people regardless of age.
     6. I tell them the truth, regardless of what they want to hear.

So to speak (idiom) -- 可以這麼說
To explain something that you maybe are not using in a direct way.
Ex 1. My dog is my baby to to speak.
     2. The new procedure have been officially christened, so to speak.

Resilience --
It means able to come to the original position of something or quickly return to original its state.

Weather the storm --
If someone or something weather the storm, they successfully deal with a very difficult problem.

Be + bound to -- almost certain
Ex: This new discovery is bound to be of great service to mankind.

Staying power --
When something has staying power, means that it has power to last.
Curate something (especially on the internet) --
To collect, select and present information or items such as pictures, video, music, etc. for people to use or enjoy.
Ex 1. I would definitely read a blog that was all curated content.

collaborate [intransitive] --
To work together with somebody in order to produce or achieve something.
To work with someone else for a special purpose.
Ex 1. Researchers around the world are collaborating to develop a new vaccine.
     2. Two writers collaborated on the script for the film.
     3. A German company collaborated with a Swiss firm to develop the product.

Scorching – very hot
A scorching summer day.
It was scorching hot inside the greenhouse.
They walked all day in the scorching heat.

Sandstone – A type of rock formed from sand.
Sedimentary rock consisting of sand or quartz (石英) grains cemented together, typically red, yellow, brown.
A kind of sedimentary rock, it is very soft, very easy to dip or to carve out to create home.

Utilize [synonym] – use
Utilize something (as something) (formal) – to use something, especially for practical purpose.
Ex 1. Scientists are trying to find more efficient ways of utilizing solar.
     2. The Romans were the first utilize concrete as a building material.
     3. Vitamin C helps the body utilize the iron present in your body.
     4. Sensible utilization of the world's resources is a priority.

Yurt –
A type of round tent with a wooden frame, used traditionally as a home by some Central Asian people, and now sometimes used for camping in Western countries.
A circular tent of felt (毛氈) or skins on collapsible (可摺疊, 拆卸) framework ('房屋'骨架), used by nomads in Mongolia, Siberia, and Turkey.

Bitter cold – intensely cold
The wind is better.

Nomadic –
Describing someone who moves from place to place rather than staying in one place for a long time.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

window on the world

11/2 Small Cabins:

Cabin –
A small, simple house or shelter, usually made of wood.
Usually, a cabin most people think that is a vacation home, in other words, people will have a tiny, little cabin on a lake, or in a mountain where they go for a week or two with their family for a vacation.

Recession [countable, uncountable] --
A period when a when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad.
A difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed.
A period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
Ex 1. His factory closed down during the period of recession.
     2. The country is sliding into the depths of a recession.
     3. These industrial have been hard hit by recession. 

What are some of features American have in their homes?
-- Some people like to have special home theater with a big television and speaker, so they can watch those DVDs or netflix movies; another common feature is a big bathroom with a big, huge bathtub, and a big, huge shower. In fact, some bathrooms are bigger as other people's living rooms.

To have a one room devoted to watching movies.
     devote + to – ...專用於
[passive] to use a space, area, time, etc. for a particular purpose.
Ex 1. Over half his speech was devoted to the issue of unemployment.
     2. The report recommends that more resources be devoted to teaching four year olds.

Mortgages –
An agreement which allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house or apartment, or the amount of money itself.

Carbon footprint –
Someone's foot print is a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that their activities produce.
The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community.

Scale (something) back (phr v) –
[synonyms] reduce, cut down, cut back, cut, make cutbacks in..., etc.
To make something smaller than it was or smaller than it was planned to be.
Reduce (or increase) something in size, number, or extent
Ex 1. Manufacturing capacity has been scale down.
     2. A shortage of money has forced them to scale down the project.

Downsize (something) [intransitive, transitive] –
If you downsize a company or organization, you make it smaller by reducing the number of people working for it.
Ex 1. The worsening situation forced the company downsize from 39 employees to 7.

     2. The plight of Asian economy is forcing businesses to downsize.

Cave Houses –
Monastery --
A place where people live and learn and work for religious reasons, particularly men.
A building in which monks live together.
Ex 1. In his youth he had stayed in the monastery.
     2. Before he left, he said good – bye to each member of the monastery.
** Female version of monastery is convent.

Sedimentary rock –
A type of rock that has been formed due to particles that had been left by water, ice or wind, it has combined together over time.

Rocks made from sediment left by the action of the water, ice or wind.
