Saturday, November 14, 2015

Best and Brightest Return

Tech boom – boom指熱潮

lure – 誘惑
To persuade or trick somebody to go somewhere or to do something by promising them a reward.
1. The children was lured into a car but managed to escape.
2. Young people are lured to the city by the prospect of a job and money.
3. The price also lures students.

Ivy League –
A group of old, eight Universities in the northeastern U.S which people think are very good.

Debut – 初次登台, 首次亮相
when someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time.

Barrier – 阻礙
An object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward from one place to another.
1. The crowd had to stand behind barriers.
2. They soon overcome the language barrier.

Greener pasture – [idiom]
A new place or activity that offer new opportunities.

Greenfield –

Referring to an area that has not yet been developed.

Outbid – (在開價或報價上戰勝)
To offer to pay a higher price for something than someone else, especially at an auction (= public sale)

avid –
Very enthusiastic about something; extremely eager or interested something.

Magenta –
Color, a reddish-purple color, one of the main colors that are used in color printing and photography.

Scarcely –

Not very much at all, almost not.

martial law – 戒嚴令
A situation where the army of a country controls an ares instead of the police during a time of trouble.

Choice parcel land –
Usually means very expensive, because its ideal location; often time, an ideal location where easy to get to or it might have incredible view.
Parcel –

A piece of land.

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