Friday, December 4, 2015

words definition

Certificate of deposit (CD) –
A saving certificate entitling the bearer to receive interest. A CD bears a maturity date, a specified fixed interest rate and can be issued in any denomination. CDs are generally issued by commercial banks. The term of a CD generally ranges from one month to five years.
** also called term deposit, time deposit in other countries, other than CD in United State.

Labor Standard Act –
The rules which government set for labors, companies to follow.

Barter –
The system of exchanging goods, property, services, etc. for other goods, etc. without using money.
Ex: The islanders use a system of barter instead of money.

Play favorites –
North American show favoritism toward someone or something.
** or bias [ˋbaɪəs]; take sides
Parents should never play favorites with their children.
I can't stand working for a boss who play favorites.

Performance view – 績效評核
evaluate sb's performance
How did you do on your quarterly performance review?
If you do well on your performance review, you'll get a good year-end bonus.

Melancholia [] 憂鬱症, depression
we are supposed to help the friends who suffer from depression.
Several antidepressant drugs work well in battling depression.

minutes[n plural] 會議紀錄
record of meeting
a summary or record of what is said or decided at a formal meeting.
We read through the minutes of the last meeting.
Who is going to take the minutes. (= write them)
I was told to keep the minutes at the conference.
Meeting minutes serve as an official record.
Taking good minutes during a business meeting can be a crucial.

Attendee 出席, 列席者
motion 動議

quantitative easing [ˋkwɑntə͵tetɪv] --
an unconventional monetary policy (貨幣政策) in which a central bank purchase government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply. Quantitative easing increases the money supply by flooding financial institutions with capital in an effort to promote increased lending and liquidity. Quantitative easing is considered when short-term interest rates are at or approaching zero, and does not involve the printing of new banknotes.
** government securities – 政府證劵
** money supply – 貨幣供應量
** liquidity – 流動性

5S methodology –
5S is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. Transliterated into English, they all start with the letter “s”. The list describes how to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items, and sustaining the new order.

Non-disclosure agreement – 保密協定
all employees are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
A non-disclosure agreement prevents Bill from discussing his work.

Non-compete closure – 競業條款, 又可寫作 non-compete agreement, non-competition closure, non-competition agreement.
雇主(employer)為了保障自身權益,和員工(employee)簽下競業條款(non-compete clause),可以限制離職員工兩年內不得從事相同產業,避免自身的經營祕訣被對方利用來和自己競爭。不過,競業條款的約定不能對員工過度限制,損害他的基本生存權益。

Cross-functional communication – 跨部門溝通, 又寫作 interdepartmental commnuication
字首cross- 有「不同群體或類別組成」的意思,後面可接名詞、動詞或形容詞,例如cross-cultural(跨文化的)。functional意思為「功能性的,功能上的」。

Furlough – 無薪假
to tell workers not to come to work for a period of time, usually because there is not enough money to pay them.

to allow or force someone to be absent temporarily from work.

資訊圖表(infographic)將大量而且複雜的數據(diagram)或資料視覺化,以圖表(chart / graph)清楚呈現,讓與會者一目了然。常見的圖表有圓餅圖(pie chart)、長條圖(bar chart / graph)、折線圖(line chart / graph)等等。另外,雖然 chart graph 常常意思通用,若要區分差別,chart 通常是以鮮豔的顏色和簡易的圖示呈現數據統計結果,而 graph 的數據呈現則比chart詳細。
  1. axis (n.)
  2. coordinate (n.) 坐標
  3. diagram (n.) 圖表,圖解,圖示

  1. We displayed the results of our survey on an infographic.我們用資訊圖表呈現我們調查的結果。
  2. This infographic shows our sales figures for the fourth quarter.這張資訊圖表呈現第四季的銷售數據。

在美國的出版界(publishing industry),一般來說會先出版精裝本(hardcover),再來是和精裝本一樣大小的平裝本稱為trade paperback,英文中簡稱為trade。另外還有大眾平裝本(mass market paperback),尺寸比trade paperback再小一點。
  1. dust jacket (phr.) 書套,護封
  2. binding (n.) 封皮
  3. edition (n.) 版本
  1. The novel was first published in hardcover.這本小說的最初以精裝本出版。
  2. I bought a paperback to read at the airport.我買了一本平裝書,拿來在機場閱讀。

怯場(stage fright)通常發生於公開演講、上台演戲等等,可能尚未習慣將自己展現在觀眾前,無法適應眾多目光投射過來,當下心理產生壓力而畏懼上台。英文中,就用stage(舞台)和fright(恐懼)表示。
  1. panic (v./n.) 驚慌,恐慌
  2. anxiety (n.) 焦慮
  3. terror (n.) 恐懼
  1. I get stage fright when I have to speak in front of a group.我在一群人面前演講時會感到怯場。
  2. The actor got stage fright and forgot his lines.這名演員怯場到忘記台詞。


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